May the Lord bless you as we open the Word of God.

Welcome to Sermons of Pastor Sam

Having pastored for 30 years, one of the strongest aspects of my service to my three churches was my pulpit ministry. Very early in 1979 when I began, the church decided to record my sermons as there was a strong interest by the congregation to listen to them again or to distribute them. Over the years, I have had many inquiries from people who have wanted copies of my sermons.

Knowing that there are a vast number of exceptional preachers whose sermons are available, I humbly submit these sermons for those who have inquired and others who may be interested in hearing them.

May the Lord bless you as we open the Word of God.

In Christ,

Pastor Sam Rotman

The 10 “I AM’s”

(10 sermons)

One of the deciding factors that brought me to Christ was the claims that Jesus made about Himself in the Gospel of John, such as “I AM the Light of the world,” John 8:12; “I AM the bread of Life,” John 6:36, etc.  Every time I give my testimony, I quote these verses as pivotal to my view of who Jesus is.  Altogether there are 10 “I AM’s”, eight in the Gospel of John and two in Revelation.  Very early in my pastoral ministry, I preached these 10 sermons and have repeated them over the years.

The Name above All Names 

(17 sermons)

I’m sure you’ve seen the numerous posters listing the names of Jesus Christ.  As the Apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 2:9 God the Father has given to Jesus the name which is above every name.  These sermons explore the many names that are attributed to Jesus Christ, for example, “Lamb of God”, “Head of the Church”, “Chief Cornerstone”, as well as the more familiar “Christ,” “Son of Man,” and “King of Kings.”  I hope that each sermon will cause you to love Him more.

The Words of Jesus

(43 sermons)

During my 3-month pastoral sabbatical in the summer of 2006, I read the Gospels over and over again.  I was very much impacted by the words of Jesus…Red Letter Edition.   Immediately after my sabbatical I preached a series on the words of Jesus. The very first recorded words of Jesus was as a 12-year old boy in the Temple. “Did you not know that I had to be about My Father’s business?”  Luke 2:49  These words reveal the focus and determination that Jesus had every moment of His life and ministry, accomplishing His Father’s mission.  What an example to us.

The Words of Jesus from the Cross

(7 sermons)

A.W. Pink wrote the very insightful book, The Seven Sayings of the Savior on the Cross.  This book is the basis of these seven sermons.  There is a universe of blessing in meditating on the words of Christ from the cross. These sermons would be appropriate at any time but especially during Holy Week.

The Names of a Believer

(18 sermons)

There are many names attributed to Christians as followers of Jesus Christ.  Each one of them has a very rich aspect of who we are and what we mean to God, such as being called “The Bride,’ “A New Creation,” “The Salt of the Earth,” and “Ambassadors.”  To remind you of who you are in Christ I hope these sermon will be a great source of encouragement.

The First Chapter of Ephesians 

(12 sermons)

I have often referred to this epistle as “concentrated orange juice.”  It is so rich with theological insights that you need to “add water” to make it “drinkable.”  As a brand-new Christian, I heard my pastor preached 89 one-hour sermons on this chapter!  The Apostle Paul gives us some of the most glorious insights into the work of the Trinity.  Absolutely mind-boggling!  I don’t preach the entire chapter.

The Life of Abraham 

(16 sermons)

I love preaching on the lives of people in the Bible, such as Moses, David and others.  To me preaching about their lives helps us identify with these real people as they lived out their faith through trials and times of blessing.  To me this is where the “rubber meets the road.”…Very practical and helpful in our own journey of faith and obedience.

The Book of Ecclesiastes 

(14 sermons)

Solomon wrote three books.  In Song of Solomon 1:1, he is described as Solomon, the author.  He is not King.  In the Book of Proverbs 1:1 he is described as Solomon, Son of David, King of Israel.  In Ecclesiastes, he is described as the Preacher, the Son of David, King in Jerusalem.  God told Solomon that if he disobeyed His commandments, he would tear the kingdom from him, but for the sake of his father David, He would allow him to remain king in Jerusalem.  This is King Solomon’s final words concerning the meaning of life, his repentance and restoration to God, timeless truths that have very practical meaning today.

Killing Giants

(13 sermons)

Chuck Swindoll’s book Killing Giants: Pulling Thorns inspired me to give this series of 13 sermons.  The image Swindoll uses is David killing Goliath which I applied to the power of God  in helping us to kill “the giants” in our personal lives, such as fear, lust, pain, bitterness, and depression.  The material was very insightful and helpful to me and I preached this series several times.

Body Life

(7 sermons)

As a pastor of 30 years I have come to the conclusion that the major reason people leave a given church is due to unresolved issues.  I call this the “shuffling of the saints” in the North American church.  For the final six years of my ministry, I preached this sermon every six months.  I personally cannot over-emphasize how important this sermon was in maintaining unity and peace in our church.  The first time I preached this topic, it was 4 sermons.  Then I narrowed it down to 2 sermons, and eventually one sermon.  All three versions are posted here.  If you want to maintain unity in your church I strongly urge you to listen to this message.  It can be transformational.

The Why

Since the beginning of time the cry of “Why” has echoed from all people regardless of culture, race or religion.This message will seek to answer “the why” to the reason that we cry ”why.” The biblical answer to the worlds philosophical question. This is the first time I will have preached this message as the biblical answer to this question was opened up to me only recently.

The First Easter

What happened on the first Easter morning when our Lord rose from the dead? The Scriptures give us an accounting of that event, Revelation Chapters 4 and 5. This passage opens up to us an insight into the entire Bible from Mt. Sinai to Easter morning. Come along for an amazing adventure. You will be in awe of the Word of God and of the crowning of Jesus Christ our Lord. Of all the sermons I have preached this one has been the most requested.

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The picture of the hillside on the Mount of Beatitudes is where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount, and where more than 5000 were gathered.

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