May the Lord bless you as we open the Word of God.

The Words of Jesus

During my 3-month pastoral sabbatical in the summer of 2006, I read the Gospels over and over again.  I was very much impacted by the words of Jesus…Red Letter Edition.   Immediately after my sabbatical I preached a series on the words of Jesus. The very first recorded words of Jesus was as a 12-year old boy in the Temple. “Did you not know that I had to be about My Father’s business?”  Luke 2:49. These words reveal the focus and determination that Jesus had every moment of His life and ministry, accomplishing His Father’s mission.  What an example to us.  The series does not cover every word spoken by Jesus.

May the Lord bless you as we open the Word of God.

In Christ,

Pastor Sam Rotman

P.S.  Since these sermons are live from Sunday worship services, there may be an occasional brief statement at the beginning of the sermon to encourage a certain ministry or church event.

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The picture of the hillside on the Mount of Beatitudes is where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount, and where more than 5000 were gathered.

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